More exciting developments! Following the news that we secured funding to translate our resources into French, we decided to invest in a new app. An app that enables us to offer our course modules in multiple languages, and that enables you to download any of the resources.
This means that Francophone people and people with no or unreliable internet access will be able to join us! It also means that once our new app is launched, all of us can enjoy our services whenever it suits us best - no matter where we are! The possibilities are endless...
Gathering with some close friends in the park and combining one of our interactive sessions with an elaborate picnic. Organizing a romantic weekend of intimate exploration with a partner in a cabin in the woods. Doing one of our audio-guided practices in a park while enjoying the sunset. Listening to one of our podcasts on your way to work.

We'd love to hear what else you imagine!
Big thanks to Cooperators whose grant enabled us to purchase access to the user friendly platform on which our new app will be hosted. In October we will launch a crowdfunding campaign to raise the money that we need to design our new app, and populate it with all of our resources in both English and French. Did you already join our program in the past? Great news for you! As soon as our upgraded app is live, all past program participants will be able to switch from our current to our new app. Free of charge!
#Accessibility #downloadable #multilingual #IntimacyApp #AppMediation #IntimacyWorkshops #IntimacySessions #Intimacy #Workshops #Relationships #Sexuality #WellBeing #Unime